**Thank you to all who participated in this year's event!**
Boneyard Creek Community Day is a way to celebrate and protect our local waterways though cleanup and educational activities. 2023 will mark the 16th year of this popular event which draws people of all ages to beautify local waterbodies including the Boneyard Creek, Saline Branch, St Joseph Drainage Ditch, Kaufman Lake, Heritage Lake, Boulware Trail Creek and Mattis Lake. Participants remove litter and naturalize streams, learning that healthy streams equal a healthy community. Boneyard Creek Community Day is a way to celebrate and protect our lakes and streams by engaging volunteers to pitch in and clean. Litter looks bad and leads to more litter. It clogs storm drains causing local flooding and ends up in receiving streams harming aquatic life. This event helps remind us all to be responsible citizens and put trash in its place.
Mark your calendars for this year's event: April 22, 2023 For more information about Boneyard Creek Community Day and to register, please visit:www.boneyardcreek.org